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Hilda Murunga is a cassava seed entrepreneur in Busia County. Her cassava cuttings business has experienced increase in profits which she attributes her success to PlantVillage Nuru. She sells cassava variety mm96 6966.

This is what she had to say,

''I use PlantVillage Nuru app on my farm to scout my cassava plant. When I scan the cassava leaves, it shows the disease affecting my crop.

When the app detects cassava viral diseases, it advice one to rouge out the unhealthy plant. When I do this, the remaining cassava in my farm remain healthy.

I also followed the SMS advice they give on worms attacking my sweat potatoes. Ash helped to kill the worms.



To other farmers

She urges farmers to plant clean seeds. ‘’Anything you plant you should use clean seeds. You might prepare your fields and if you use unhealthy seeds you won’t get good yields. You have to start with clean planting materials.’’




Written By;Mercyline Tata






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