Asparagus seeds

Asparagus    KS USA

Hi. I’m growing asparagus for the first time this year. I planted my seeds about 8 days and so far they haven’t sprouted, I’m starting to get worried. What could I be doing wrong?

Posted by: Mike T. (3 points) Mike T.
Posted: January 30, 2013

Mike T. commented,
I should probably have mentioned that I planted them in those sectioned seed trays and I used just regular potting soil
about 11 years ago.


You may not be doing anything wrong. Asparagus seeds are very slow to germinate and take 2-8 weeks to do so. For this reason most gardeners choose to plant from crowns of asparagus.

Are your seed trays indoors? You should start them of indoors and then move them out when they are seedlings. Frosts can prevent the seeds germinating. Some sources recommend soaking in water from 2 hours to as long as 3 days and that soaking can reduce germination time by as much as a week. If you have not soaked them it will be still OK. Dont let your potting soil get too damp as that can promote fungal growth on the surface which then affects the seedlings as they come through.

Here is a very detailed sheet on growing Asparagus http://www.nr.gov.nl.ca/nr/agrifoods/...

Good luck

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: January 30, 2013

Mike T. commented,
David, thanks. I guess I am just excited about growing it for the first time. I got the seeds from a friend and hers germinated in a week! My seeds are indoors and I did not soak them. I will try and be more patient.

about 11 years ago.

I have asparagus seedlings!!!

Posted by: Mike T. (3 points) Mike T.
Posted: February 7, 2013

Amie Frisch commented,
Congrats!! How long did it take for them to sprout?
about 11 years ago.

Ideally it takes 2-8 weeks from planting to sprout and they can be transplanted after it gets 10-12 weeks old. Asparagus is delicious vegetable as well as have so many health benefits as it’s loaded with full of nutrients, vitamins A, C, E and K.

Posted by: JackPonting (1 point) JackPonting
Posted: February 1, 2017

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