stem bleeding

Coconut    Tirunelveli

Which is the best control measure for stem bleeding?

Posted by: Bharath Krishnan (4 points) Bharath Krishnan
Posted: April 18, 2017


When did you notice the disease? How severe the infection is? Are the trees treated before?
If the infection is in initial stage you can scrape out the rotten area and treat the wounds with suitable fungicide. After two days, seal the wounded area with coal tar. And make sure to burn the scraped out tree pieces. Also apply neem cake to the base of affected trees.
If the infection is in advance stage and not treated earlier, the tree should be removed and destroyed properly to avoid toppling hazard.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: April 21, 2017

Bharath Krishnan commented,
Thank you sir.
about 7 years ago.

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