Pecan affected by Xantomonas Campestris: is it possible?

Pecan    Italy

Hi from Italy!
I just asked about this problem on my cape fear little plant.
It is a 3 yo plant, planted in March 2016.
This year in June I found on the lower part of some leaves strange black spots and in July I noticed strange scorchings on them.
The problem did not stopped and leaves started to falm down in September.
Now, a lot of leaves fell down and I decided to have some analysis on them.
I thought it could be pbls due to xylella fastidiosa multiplex.
According to the plant patologist it is also a bacterial disease but it is due to Xantomonas Campestris, a bacterium that affects stone fruits.
Have you ever heard about it on pecans?
He told me to treat with copper salts after all leaves will fall.
By the way, I use on my plants bordeaux mixture, is it OK or are there other copper fungicide better than this against bacterial disease?
Thank you very much!

Ps: just found that xhantomonas campestris juglandis affects walnuts and its the cause of canker.

Posted by: Mirko (2 points) Mirko
Posted: October 12, 2017


Yes, Xanthomonas arboricola (X. campestris) can affect many plants, including stonefruit, walnuts, etc. In Russia we have X. arboricola on sunflower, wheat, barley, cabbage, oilseed rape, and the strains are still virulet for walnuts

Posted by: alex ignatov (1 point) alex ignatov
Posted: October 15, 2017

Mirko commented,
Thank you for your reply! I read that there is a walnut "version" called "xanthomonas campestris juglandis".
Is it possible to control and eliminate it or it will kill the plant?

over 6 years ago.

alex ignatov commented,
the pathogen goes systemic into veins. You can try to cure plants by all possible plant immunity enchancers (silver, fosethyl Al, et.), but contact fungicides (like copper, or better - copper + mankozeb) will help to reduce disease spreading on other plants only.
I could not save infected walnut plants - they all died in 2-years time.

over 6 years ago.

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