How and when to sow macadamia nuts?

Macadamia    Italy

I have some fresh macadamia nuts.
I would like to sow them.
According to you should I put them in the fridge and wait spring to sow or just like I do with other nuts, sow now during winter?
Should I crack the shell or have I to put it closed?
Thank you very much!

Posted by: Mirko (2 points) Mirko
Posted: December 3, 2017


You can read our general advice on macadamia nuts propagation on that crop's page https://plantvillage.org/topics/macad...

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: December 4, 2017

Mirko commented,
Thank you David but there is no advice about sowing.
over 6 years ago.

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
Generally, Macadamia seeds need warm temperature (24°C) for proper germination. So it is wise to sow the seeds in the greenhouse where you can regulate the temperature because the germination percentage might drop rapidly after 3 months of storage though it depends on temperature and cultivars. Normally you can soak the seeds in water overnight before sowing. The dehusked seeds germinate quickly at 25°c. Also, macadamia is very sensitive to cold, so recommended to protect the plants from first few winters.
over 6 years ago.

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