How to thin seedlings

Lettuce    NY

Hi everybody. I am new to gardening and growing vegetables. I would like to know how to thin my seedlings. I am growing lettuce, green beans and peas and I planted 3-4 seeds per little hole. I think most have all of the plants growing and I need to know when and how I should thin them - should I leave just 1 plant? Thanks.

Posted by: Jennifer Casey (2 points) Jennifer Casey
Posted: April 16, 2013


A good way to 'thin' especially the fine, tiny plants that are bunched together, is to use needle-nose plyers..you can grab the base of the single plant you wish to remove, and pull it gently, up and away from the plants you want to grow. Sometimes you will need to gently push the soil back from where you pulled the plant, so as not to expose the roots of those you want growing. Also, I find it easier to pull cleanly, when the soil is damp, not dry. I would ask, did you start your seeds in flatts, or out in the garden ground? I am just curious..

Posted by: Angie Lee Morrow (18 points) Angie Lee Morrow
Posted: April 16, 2013

Jennifer Casey commented,
Thanks Angie, sounds quite easy. I planted seeds in flats
about 11 years ago.

Angie Lee Morrow commented,
What state are you in? I am in the cold north, but if you are south..you might find starting the pea seeds outside much better then transplanting them. I grew them in the house once, and they got so tall they vined on all my other plants, and it was a mess trying to unlatch them without breaking..Ugh.. Beans are tender, and cannot take the cold, but peas love colder weather. Lettuce also is a cold weather plant.and does well started right in the garden. Hope this helps. Oh, the reason I asked about flatts is, the soil is usually fine and looser, then natural garden soil, so they should be much easier to pull ouf from the flatts. Good luck in your garden!

about 11 years ago.

Jennifer Casey commented,
That really helps, I'm in NY. I wasn't sure about putting things straight in the garden, this is my first time growing and I don't really know what I am doing - mistakes already!! The peas are doing nicely. Lettuce is struggling. I don't think they are getting enough light. I am careful not to over water.
about 11 years ago.

I use a pair of sewing scissors to just cut them out.

Posted by: chris hedding (1 point) chris hedding
Posted: April 17, 2013

Jennifer Casey commented,
about 11 years ago.

It's good to thin out your seedlings once they have a few sets of real leaves (not the cotyledons that first sprout). Once there are 4-6 leaves in your seedlings you can thin it out to 1 per hole. It's good to thin out the weaker/smaller ones and keep the biggest looking seedling. Just be careful to not disturb the roots of the seedling you want to remain in the soil!

Posted by: Kathryn Fiedler (72 points) Kathryn Fiedler
Posted: April 16, 2013

Jennifer Casey commented,
Thanks Kathryn
about 11 years ago.

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