red mulch or plastic for tomatoes

Tomato    None Given

I have heard of people using red mulch or plastic sheet around tomato plants to help ripen the fruits. Does this really work? I would like to hear from people with experience of this before I go coloring my garden! I manged to find a picture which I will try to upload

Posted by: Vicki Albright (2 points) Vicki Albright
Posted: May 8, 2013


I've tried clear/ black/ white and blue plastic on my garden and find that black isn't very useful since very little of the heat is transferred from the plastic to the ground, clear works much better.The blue worked great on my cucumbers but my peppers developed long, weak stems (This is only a 1 yr / 12 plant sample). After spending a little time this winter learning about how plants utilize different wavelengths of light during their life cycle I'm going to try something a little different. This year I'm putting down a layer of green plastic over a layer of red plastic, I'm hoping that the green will stimulate vegetative growth and then when the plants begin to fruit I'll remove the green and the red should stimulate fruiting, I hope.... The UMass extension has gathered some facts about colored mulches that you can read http://extension.umass.edu/landscape/...

Posted by: J.D. Archer (31 points) J.D. Archer
Posted: May 8, 2013

Vicki Albright commented,
thank you, this is very interesting. It would be great to know how you get on with your plan of using red and green.
almost 11 years ago.

Not sure about making them riper but either one will keep the weeds down.

Posted by: Russ Hibma (1 point) Russ Hibma
Posted: May 11, 2013

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