Pears growing , turn brown on the bottom then fall off

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Growing pears turn brown on the bottom then fall off the tree prematurely , happens every year, please advise

Posted by: Bonnie Harris (1 point) Bonnie Harris
Posted: August 29, 2016

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
Hi Harris, please upload the closeup images of infected fruits. Thanks
over 7 years ago.


A close-up would be more helpful, but this potentially could be brown rot. Increased humidity and poor sanitation are major factors for this disease to exist. If you start seeing these dark spots, immediately talk them off the tree and discard them (green waste, burn, etc.). It also helps if you open up the canopy a bit with some strategic pruning, which also helps reduce humidity. If it's really severe you may want to apply a copper-based compound to knock back the pathogen population so just cultural controls are effective enough in the future.

Posted by: Kathryn Fiedler (72 points) Kathryn Fiedler
Posted: September 13, 2016

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