Red bell

African Eggplant    None Given

My red bell has started to get something like a growth/ something and it's softer than the rest of the plant... Any advice??

Posted by: Jacobus (1 point) Jacobus
Posted: April 12, 2016

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
Is there any symptoms on the leaves? Does all the peppers show similar problem? Also please upload more images of pepper and whole plant. Thanks
about 8 years ago.

Jacobus commented,
Only two of the three look like this the other one is fine. The plant itself has no other problems. Leaves are good plant is good.
about 8 years ago.

Jacobus commented,
Only two of the three look like this the other one is fine. The plant itself has no other problems. Leaves are good plant is good. Will upload more photos asap
about 8 years ago.

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