Problem with Avocado Tree

Avocado    None Given

What is wrong with this Avocado tree?
In South Florida, lots of blossoms.
How do I treat the problem?

Posted by: Cee Gordon (1 point) Cee Gordon
Posted: March 4, 2017

Kelsee Baranowski commented,
HI Cee, could you please tell me if it has been very humid where you live? Considering the mango plant you asked about is close by and most likely has anthracnose, this could also be suffering from the same fungus but leaf symptoms typically only show up with high humidity
about 7 years ago.


You should try to establish what nutrient stress, if any, this tree is experiencing. A soil test would be critical. Also, are all leaves on the tree like this? What is the bark like?
Have you been experiencing unusual weather there?

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: March 11, 2017

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