what is the best organic fertilizer to use?


can you recommend a good balanced fertilizer (organic) for tomatoes, eggplant, squash? when is the best time to apply it to my vegetables. thanks

Posted by: Pamela Croft (1 point) Pamela Croft
Posted: February 28, 2013

Pamela Croft commented,
and peppers too, can I use the same for all the plants?
about 11 years ago.


This sounds insane, but urine diluted about 6-1 (6 parts water, 1 part urine) works like magic. I just visited a couple who uses nothing but that and a little compost - their garden is lush and overflowing with tomatoes and greens.

Posted by: David Goodman (69 points) David Goodman
Posted: March 4, 2013

Lindsay McMenemy commented,
oh my goodness!!! seriously?! wow!


about 11 years ago.

David Hughes commented,
that is super cool. Urea of course is widely used so this no different I suppose. I wont ask about the application method!
about 11 years ago.

deactivated commented,
There is some research to back this up. Most of it is behind paywalls, sadly, but here are some links that are accessible from anywhere: http://ciitn.missouri.edu/2007009/gro... and http://www.researchgate.net/publicati...

As with all form of manures, the same safety standards are important (i.e. don't bring it in direct contact with edible parts of the plant, best to use it early in the growing season, wash hands etc. etc.)

about 11 years ago.

do you have neighbors that raise sheep, goats, llamas, or rabbits? if so get a few bags of nanny nuggets, smart pills, or whatever name they may call those little round poo pellets. when i raised rabbits i planted potatoes in the rabbit manure after i moved the cages. i had fabulous potatoes that fall and the manure from those animals does not burn like cow, horse, pig or chicken manure can.

Posted by: john faust (5 points) john faust
Posted: April 8, 2013

Urine is great, and I and my entire household regularly urinate in the garden. That being said, the best fertilizer is the fertilizer that is custom for what ever your soil is like. Get a quality full-spectrum soil test done and it will tell you exactly what its low and high in. This can actually save you a bunch of money from not buying certain amendments that your soil doesn't need. Truthfully your own home-made compost is almost always the best thing for your soil followed by a heavy mulching. This mimics nature's way of building fertile, stable, and healthy soil. And saves on a hell of a lot of weeding. Good luck.

Posted by: Built For Life Permaculture Design (3 points) Built For Life Permaculture Design
Posted: March 8, 2013

deactivated commented,
Edited to remove link - see https://www.plantvillage.com/faq#why_...
about 11 years ago.

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