Deficiency symptoms in Tea


What are the nutrient deficiency symptoms in Tea plant?

Posted by: Dhamayanthi (1 point) Dhamayanthi
Posted: April 26, 2016


The symptoms of few macro and micro nutrients deficiency are

1. Nitrogen: Yellowing of younger leaves. The leaves become rough, hard and reduce in size.

2. Potassium: Scorching due to chlorosis and necrosis occurring at the tip of the mature tea leaves and extends along the margin. Dominant purple/brown colour and reduced leaf size are the common symptoms.

3. Calcium: Downward curling followed by appearance of small spots on the lower surface of young leaves.

4. Magnesium: Yellowing of mature leaves, inter veinal chlorosis and premature leaf fall are the main symptoms.

5. Sulphur: The characteristic symptoms is 'Net veining' in the younger leaves where the leaf blade takes a striking yellow colour and the veins down to the finest branching standout predominantly dark green.

6. Zinc: The plants show very short internodes, chlorotic and small sickle shaped leaves and stunted auxiliary shoots.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: April 27, 2016

Dhamayanthi commented,
Thank you
almost 8 years ago.

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