Net of white threads on aloe vera

Aloe Vera    None Given

My aloe vera nobilis has a net of tiny white threads on it. When I remove them, they come back. I don't see any insect activity, and the plant does not seem to suffer at all. What is it, should I try to get rid of it, and if so, how? Thanks!

Posted by: Valerie (1 point) Valerie
Posted: October 31, 2016


It could possibly be spider mites (aka webspinning mites), which are difficult to see since they are so small.

In large numbers, they can cause damage, but your plant looks pretty healthy at the moment.

You may be able to reduce the mites with a heavy spray of water, or insecticidal soap.

Here's more info: http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn...

Posted by: Sheena Sidhu (19 points) Sheena Sidhu
Posted: November 16, 2016

The spider shown in the attached image emerged last week, I don't know what it is but it may be the culprit.

Posted by: Valerie (1 point) Valerie
Posted: November 16, 2016

Sheena Sidhu commented,
That looks like a wolf spider, but those typically don't make webs, so that might be a visitor rather than the culprit. Do you see its burrow in the pot?
over 7 years ago.

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