Baby corn - is it a special variety?

Maize (corn)    Zone 7B

Can somebody please settle this argument for me. My husband wants me to grow baby corn in the garden this year but will not believe me that it is simply regular corn that has not matured. He says it is a special variety. Who is right here? Help me please!

Posted by: cara smith (2 points) cara smith
Posted: March 11, 2013


You are actually both right - baby corn is just as the name suggests and can be simply the the immature ears from regular corn plants. However, your husband is also correct in thinking that there are special baby corn varieties that can be grown. These varieties are usually bred to produce more ears of corn per stem than regular corn. There is absolutely no reason why you cannot use a regular variety however This article from the Pacific Northwest Extension explains in more detail


Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: March 11, 2013

cara smith commented,
Interesting! Thank you Lindsay
about 11 years ago.

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