The problem in Dates palm

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That problem started after success pollination and fast time appear. I want know what is problem ?

Posted by: Ibrahim Abbas Ezzeldin (3 points) Ibrahim Abbas Ezzeldin
Posted: April 12, 2016


I think it is Khamedj disease or inflorescence rot caused by Mauginiella scaettae . Also reported that Fusarium moniliforme and Thielaviopsis paradoxa may also
cause inflorescence rot in date palm. Hot and humid conditions favors the disease. This is air born fungus.
The fungal spores infect pollen and transmit the disease to other palm during pollination. The infected inflorescence become dry and cover with fungus.

Remove the infected inflorescence and spathes and burn them.
Spray copper based fungicide like copper sulphate-lime mixture or Bordeaux mixture.

For more information please see the below link

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: April 12, 2016

Ibrahim Abbas Ezzeldin commented,
Hi : Ravi. I would thank you for your interest and will do tips that you advised to me . In future when the opportunity for an isolation I will tell you about the fungus that cause the disease . Thank you. Ibrahim.
about 8 years ago.

Ibrahim Abbas Ezzeldin commented,
Hi: Ravi. I mean to be my last message to thank you for helping me and not answer for your suggestion . I was especially puzzled with this disease as something else . thank you very much . Ibrahim.
about 8 years ago.

Ibrahim Abbas Ezzeldin commented,
Hi : Ravi. I mean to be my message to thank you for helping me and not answer for your suggestion . I was especially puzzled this disease or something else. thank you very much Ibrahim
about 8 years ago.

Ibrahim Abbas Ezzeldin commented,
Hi : Ravi. I mean to be my message to thank you for helping me and not answer for your suggestion . I was especially puzzled this disease or something else. thank you very much Ibrahim
about 8 years ago.

Hi : Ravi.
I would thank you for your interest and will do tips that you advised to me . Thin in future when the opportunity for an isolation I will tell you about the fungus cause that cause the disease .
Thank you.

Posted by: Ibrahim Abbas Ezzeldin (3 points) Ibrahim Abbas Ezzeldin
Posted: April 12, 2016

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