Phytophthora infestans and bacteriosis diseases?

Tomato    Italia

Tomato cherry in grenhouses cultivation, plants growing in soilless.
The affected plants show the same symptoms about 65%. The affected area is 1 hectare.
Symptom complex:
chlorosis of apical shoots, necrosis punctiform of leaves, necrosis internal on the fruits, flabby leaves, empty stem.
on January 23 it has been carried out a treatment with metalaxyl-m for downy mildew.

Posted by: Dr. Raffaele Giurato (6 points) Dr. Raffaele Giurato
Posted: February 16, 2016

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about 8 years ago.


The disease on your cherry tomato is pith necrosis caused by Pseudomonas corrugata (a bacterial disease). It is quite common in green house tomato.

Symptom first appears when the first fruit is close to maturity. Leaves become chlorotic and wilting. You can see many adventitious roots on main stem. The central part of stem become brown and necrotic. In advance stage the stem become hollow. Fruits will have brown tissue.

Favorable conditions for disease:
1. Application of high nitrogen fertilizers
2. Low temperature during night
3. High humidity
4. Plastic mulching

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: February 17, 2016

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