Avocado looks sick

Avocado    None Given

Hi all, I am new here and glad I found this site. I had two avocado tree's. One died because of heavy rains as I live in mid Florida, the other which is pictured has now started losing its leaves and they are heavy brown tipped. I found something which called it as Anthracnose disease. But I don't know if that is the right diagnosis. Can someone help please.

Posted by: scott (1 point) scott
Posted: May 11, 2017


Scott, this could be leaf tip burn from having too much salt in the leaves. The leaf symptoms look similar to this question: https://www.plantvillage.org/en/quest...

Posted by: Kelsee Baranowski (6 points) Kelsee Baranowski
Posted: May 12, 2017

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