Purple developing at stalk branching points

Pepper, bell    Amherst, MA

I have not seen this on my peppers before -- a purple color on the stems developing at most of the junctions between stalk and "branches." So far, at least, leaves and peppers seem OK -- some even seem nearly ripened already, though the plants are still small and even if somewhat longer and narrower than usual. Any idea what this is? Should I worry? Do something?

Posted by: Carol Lewis (1 point) Carol Lewis
Posted: June 29, 2015


We just had a related question on Jalapeno peppers

Here was the answer
"This looks like natural pigmentation due to anthocyanin accumulation. I would call the color more purple than black, but it seems to be reasonably common in peppers."

Anthocyanin accumulation is a well studied genetic trait in plants.

Would seem to be the case for you too. So, nothing to worry about

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: June 30, 2015

Chris commented,
Charlie B. answered a very similar question i asked a couple of weeks ago. This has not beem an issue amd my jalapeños are growing in fine.

"This looks like natural pigmentation due to anthocyanin accumulation. I would call the color more purple than black, but it seems to be reasonably common in peppers."

almost 9 years ago.

Charrlie B. answered a similar question for me recently. This should not be an issue and my jalapeños are coming in fine.

"This looks like natural pigmentation due to anthocyanin accumulation. I would call the color more purple than black, but it seems to be reasonably common in peppers."

Posted by: Chris (2 points) Chris
Posted: July 7, 2015

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