Can I grow potatoes over summer?

Potato    MD

From what (very) little I know about vegetable gardening they seem to be harvested in winter. I would love some home grown potatoes over summer to make potato salads and things. Can I plant them for harvest over summer? If so how is it done?

Posted by: Mel (2 points) Mel
Posted: April 8, 2013


I grow my potatoes in a grow bag. I use 5 whole small potatoes and I don't cut the eyes-just use whole. Plant in bottom of bag. When the plant starts to grow add more soil until finally the tops are peeking out of the bag. Two weeks after they bloom (blue flowers- very pretty) they are ready to harvest. The first ones you pick will be small so I leave them in the soil til I need a few for dinner. My potato bag has a velcro flap that makes harvesting a breeze and I don't have to do any digging.. I get about 10 lbs per bag.

Posted by: cindy pegues (4 points) cindy pegues
Posted: April 12, 2013

Plant them now, and let them grow all season until the first frost kills off the top growth, then harvest before the ground freezes hard. Also, be sure to dig deeply, some call it double-digging, which is to remove two layers, each layer is the length of the shovel-head, to make it fluffy and easier for tubers to grow.

Posted by: Bradley Cahill (1 point) Bradley Cahill
Posted: April 8, 2013

It depends on where you are located. Potatoes like warm, but not hot, days so usually we plant them after the last frost (March) and harvest them at the peak of summer heat. You can definitely plant them later in the year and harvest at the first frost. It also depends on what size you want. If you like "new potatoes" then you don't require the same growing time and can really plant at any time and dig them up when they are big enough to eat.

Posted by: Kathryn Fiedler (72 points) Kathryn Fiedler
Posted: April 12, 2013

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