How can volatile oil content of Indian coriander be improved?

Coriander (Cilantro)    indore,mp.

Coriander of other countries like Bulgaria, Morocco are having volatile oil content of more than 1% whereas Indian Coriander is having only 0.2% to 0.3%. How to improve the volatile oil level in Indian Coriander?

Posted by: Deepak Rathore (1 point) Deepak Rathore
Posted: December 13, 2013


I believe the volatile oil content of the plant is genetically determined, i.e. it is inherited. In order to improve the volatile oil content of Indian coriander, the plants would have to be genetically modified or undergo some kind of selective breeding program, both being lengthy and expensive processes with no guarantee of success. It may be easier to try and get your hands on some propagation material from the plants that originate from Bulgaria and Morocco.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: December 13, 2013

In addition to breeding plants (or taking stock plants from some other region) there are two other factors that are important. One is Nitrogen levels through the addition of Nitrogen or a biofertilizer (nitrogen fixing plants). The researchers found a significant effect (Table 4 which I reproduce here). The PDF of their paper is here and open access

Also, a study done in Turkey highlighted cultural practices and how the timing of planting had a major effect on oil levels

What are the conditions of your soil? Dry/wet? Do you use inputs like nitrogen?

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: December 13, 2013

I have also heard that the environment has an effect. Harsher conditions will often raise plant defenses and increase various compounds... mild conditions cause them to relax their defenses.

It may be that India is simply a really nice place to grow coriander, hence its lower yield. Good luck!

Posted by: David Goodman (69 points) David Goodman
Posted: December 16, 2013

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