Could someone name this plant for us?

General    New Jersey

This flowering plant grows in our garden every year. We have no idea what's the name of this plant or how to take care of it?

Posted by: Purple Samcat (1 point) Purple Samcat
Posted: May 25, 2014

lauren commented,
Looks like false indigo to me, too. My mother gave me one & warned that it grows a long taproot, so does not like to be moved. Might not survive it! Mine has been very easy to care for (just a little compost each year at the base & water when it's really really dry) & it's gotten bigger & more flowers each year. You can save the big seed pods & try to start more, I've only been marginally successful.. Not at all starting them indoors, but somewhat when I just sprinkle the seeds outside & let them do their thing.
almost 10 years ago.

Cindy Meredith commented,
Looks like Obedient Plant, False Dragonhead, Physostegia virginiana

It can be invasive in warm climates. But in colder regions and in poor soil it behaves more nicely.

Check out the listing below:

almost 10 years ago.



I have googled and came up with this. Please check it out.

Posted by: Sureshkumar N (1 point) Sureshkumar N
Posted: May 25, 2014

Purple Samcat commented,
Rats. Not the same. Thanks for trying
almost 10 years ago.

Looks like a type of Baptisia.

You don't have to do much to take care of it. I usually removed the dead stems at the end of the year to make it tidy. It comes up from the roots again with new stems each spring.

Posted by: Kerry Mauck (58 points) Kerry Mauck
Posted: May 26, 2014

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