Why are cucumbers aborting fruit?

Cucumber    s.c.

Why are my cucumber plants aborting fruit when the plants are not that overloaded. The plants are in the greenhouse

Posted by: pat (1 point) pat
Posted: January 21, 2014

pat commented,
the cucumbers are in a greenhouse
over 10 years ago.


Low light intensity may be the problem:

"Generally, the rate of photosynthesis relates to light intensity, but not proportionally. The importance of light becomes obvious in the winter, when it is in short supply. In the short, dull days of late fall, winter, and early spring, the low daily levels of radiant energy result in low levels of carbohydrate production. Not only do the poor light conditions limit photosynthetic productivity, but also the limited carbohydrates produced during the day are largely expended by the respiring plant during the long night. The low supply of carbohydrates available in the plant during the winter seriously limits productivity, as evidenced by the profusion of aborted fruit." http://bit.ly/1aHyfT6 [p. 13]

Posted by: Peg Boyles (4 points) Peg Boyles
Posted: January 21, 2014

My first thought would be a pollination issue if there are no bees around to do the job in the glasshouse. Have you tried hand pollinating? Here's a link to a previous post about pollinating squash plants which should get you started (cucumber and squash are both Cucurbits so the method is essentially the same).


Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: January 21, 2014

pat commented,
cucumbers dont have to be pollinated
over 10 years ago.

Lindsay McMenemy commented,
That is not correct, most cucumber varieties produce both male and female flowers which need to be pollinated by insects. You must be growing a seedless variety which is parthenocarpic? Perhaps you can update your question to provide some extra detail?
over 10 years ago.

pat commented,
they are the seedless cucunbers
over 10 years ago.

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