Are these mulberries?

Mulberry    Massachusetts

I discovered this tree in my yard and would like help giving it a certain, or close to certain ID. Early Googling has indicated that it is a mulberry. Since I live in Massachusetts, it is likely a red mulberry. Can anyone give a positive ID?

Posted by: BethR (2 points) BethR
Posted: July 6, 2014

gary commented,
No. Mulberries are elongated and the leaves are larger.
almost 10 years ago.


This does indeed appear to be a mulberry tree. You appear to have a variety with unlobed leaves but the can also have lobed leaves. Red mulberry has rough hairs on the top surface of the leaves and soft hairs on the lower surfaces - does this sound like yours? Keep an eye on those fruits which will turn from green to red and finally to dark purple.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: July 7, 2014

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