Transparent & Curling New Growth


We have only been having these issues for the past few weeks, shortly before repotting into a larger pot as she was rooted out. The new growth began to get lighter and lighter and now is transparent and the newest growth shows signs of leaf curl.

What is going on and what do we do about this? We have just fertilized for Autumn with BioGrow. We use ½ reverse osmosis filtered water and ½ tap water for watering.

Posted by: BCH (1 point) BCH
Posted: September 27, 2016


It could be iron deficiency. The main symptoms are the leaves loses its chlorophyll in the interveinal region (chlorosis/yellowing) but the veins remain green.

Generally iron deficiency may occurs due high soil pH or high soil magnesium level or excess application of liming materials or high phosphorus fertilizer.

Also excess soil moisture enhances the deficiency symptom.


Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: September 28, 2016

BCH commented,
Thank you for such an informative reference, we had used a fertilizer with high phosphorus levels. We will be applying iron chelate and hope this resolves the issue.
over 7 years ago.

Just wanted to let everyone following that the iron chelate was a huge success. We have green and healthy new growth again and she's really peeking up.

Posted by: BCH (1 point) BCH
Posted: October 3, 2016

BCH commented,
We used 6ml of Chelated Iron in a drench and saw her come back after two to three days and in about two weeks the entire tree was healthy.
over 7 years ago.

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