Virus diseases symptoms

Pepper, bell    Myanmar

I would like to know the virus symptom in bell pepper. If it is possible, I also would like to see pictures of virus disease symptoms in bell pepper.

Posted by: Pyae Phyo (1 point) Pyae Phyo
Posted: July 30, 2014


We have one virus disease listed in our Pepper entry. We are working on getting more images. The challenge is that not all images one can find through Google Images are Open Access Creative Commons (this is what PlantVillage is)


I attach a screen shot from the APS Compendia on Pepper Diseases and they list 17 entries. You can search for images via Google Images. We will continue to work on getting images uploaded

This is the text from the same compendia just before the entry on viruses in bell peppers. The important point being that it is very difficult to destinguish between different types of virus visually

"Diseases caused by viruses in many cases are detected by characteristic symptoms, such as mosaic or mottiing, deformation of leaves, or stunting. However, the type and severity of the symptoms depend on many factors, including the virus or vimses causing the symptoms, the virus strain, environmental conditions, and the age of the plant at the time of infection. Some virus infections are symptomless or result in only tran­ sient expression of symptoms. A particular vims may induce distinctly different symptoms in different cultivars of the same species. It is common for a single plant to be infected with more than one virus. Some mixed infections result in interference or masking of symptoms; some cause symptoms that are distincfly different from those caused by any of the viruses individually; and some are a synergistic interaction leading to extremely severe symptoms. Moreover, symptoms of diseases caused by viruses can be similar to symptoms of nutritional deficiencies and herbicide damage. Thus, it is difficult to visually diagnose viral diseases and identify with certainty the viruses responsible." From APS Compendium on Disease in Pepper, page 23 https://www.apsnet.org/apsstore/shopa...

Do you have a problem with peppers? Post your images and we can get a diagnosis for you

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: July 30, 2014

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