Best conditions for green cardamom

Cardamom    nepal

What is the favourable conditions for growing green cardamom..? In what place can be grown? Possible detail please!

Posted by: premchandra (1 point) premchandra
Posted: August 21, 2014


Cardamom is naturally a montane plant and grows best on land in mountainous areas where forests grow. It is usually grown at altitudes between 600 and 1500 m. The plants grow best when rainfall is between 250 and 380 cm per year. If the plant is flowering and rainfall is less than 12.5 cm per month then seed production may be poor. Cardamom plants will also grow best when the temperature is approximately 22°C and will perform poorly when temperatures drop below 17°C.

In addition to the climatic conditions above, cardamom plants do not tolerate direct sunlight. Their natural habitat is forest and they should have about 50% shade cover. Trees provide natural shade and also protect the plants from strong winds which can lodge the plants due to their shallow root systems.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: August 21, 2014

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