Elephant grass

Lemon grass    Vietnamses

Hello everybody!
I have some images of the elephent grass. Please show me know the cause and how to overcome its (p/s: I'm very sorry if you don't understand. Because I'm not good at english)

Posted by: Thuan_attapeu (5 points) Thuan_attapeu
Posted: September 19, 2014

Thuan_attapeu commented,
Who can help me? :( Please!)
over 9 years ago.

Damian commented,
This is a great video series of Dr Elaine Ingham, she talks about the life in the soil and how it works. From my experience it's very easy to understand and to use which means lots of time and money saved, Here's the link to sign up: http://soilfoodwebcourse.com/reg/?p=D... Don't worry it's free!
less than a minute ago. Edit Delete

over 9 years ago.


We will try to find some information for you to help with the problem. One of the pictures seems to show a plant which is collapsing in the middle and turning yellow. The soil looks very wet and I am worried that the crown of the plant is rotting. This could be caused by a fungus in the soil that emerges in wet conditions. Elephant grass can also be a host for a disease known called bacterial wilt which has been recorded in Malaysia and the Philippines but I cannot find any information on occurrence in Vietnam. I will put this text into Google translate to hopefully help with the language. Can you let us know if the translation is good?

Chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng để tìm thấy một số thông tin để bạn có thể giúp đỡ với vấn đề này. Một trong những hình ảnh dường như cho thấy một nhà máy đó đang sụp đổ ở giữa và chuyển sang vàng. Đất trông rất ẩm ướt và tôi lo lắng rằng vương miện của nhà máy đang thối rữa. Điều này có thể được gây ra bởi một loại nấm trong đất nổi lên trong điều kiện ẩm ướt. Cỏ voi cũng có thể là một máy chủ cho một căn bệnh được biết đến gọi là héo xanh vi khuẩn đã được ghi nhận ở Malaysia và Philippines nhưng tôi không thể tìm thấy bất kỳ thông tin về sự xuất hiện tại Việt Nam. Tôi sẽ đưa văn bản này vào Google dịch để hy vọng giúp đỡ với ngôn ngữ. Bạn có thể cho chúng tôi biết nếu dịch là tốt?

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: September 19, 2014

Thuan_attapeu commented,
Thank you very much. I think the 4th picture is trunk rot disease caused by bacteria, because the trunk is rotten and smelly. I have treated with lime and they seem rather more.
The 1st picture, maybe ít is not enough fertilizer. or another caused but i don't know.
I'm just worried about the symptoms of 2nd, 3th, 5th pictures. they're similar. i suspect they were fungus. At noon leaves are evaporation very much, the leaves are rolled along the midrib. The color of leaves look like to be cooked, gradually wither and die. I have sprayed the fungicide (hexaconazone and carpendazim) and continue observe. Please share me, If you have infomation or document about the techniques of planting and mainternance the elephant grass.

Thanks a lot!

over 9 years ago.

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