Plants turning yellow after heavy rains


My vegetable garden really took a bad hit after all of the storms recently here on the East coast. My peppers and tomatoes in particular are looking real bad. The leaves are all starting to yellow which I assume is a result of the amount of water they have had. Is there anything I can do to help them bounce back? I would also like to fertilize them but I'm not sure how to do this while they dry out. Appreciate the help.

Posted by: Red (1 point) Red
Posted: June 17, 2013


I sympathize. Many of my recent transplants have suffered frm awful waterlogging; some even blew right out of the ground in the horrific winds that accompanied the last couple of storms.

The roots of your tomatoes & peppers are probably drowning (roots need to "breathe" oxygen from air pockets in well-drained soil) and maybe even rotting. Don't fertilize! That will encourage leaf development, when what you want now is for those roots to dry out and begin growing again. I'd suggest leaving the plants alone until you (hopefully) see signs of recovery and new shoot production.

Posted by: Peg Boyles (4 points) Peg Boyles
Posted: June 18, 2013

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