Aloe vera sprouting something strange

Aloe Vera    Argentina

I live in Buenos Aires and I have a couple of Aloe veras on my balcony. I care for them appropriately but one of them has sprouted something strange!
I have not found any information on the web about this specifically.
I am mostly interested out of curiosity, I love studying plants and I have never seen anything like this.

Posted by: Inés (2 points) Inés
Posted: September 4, 2014

Charlie B. commented,
I think it may be sending up a flower spike.
over 9 years ago.

Lindsay McMenemy commented,
Sorry Charlie, just noticed your comment - I think you might be right
over 9 years ago.


My best guess is that it is a flower stalk beginning to grow but I have never seen it happen first hand so I'm not sure. Have any of them flowered before? Some of the protrusions do look like parts of the flower

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: September 5, 2014

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