How to plan a succession planted garden?


I have three raised beds, each 7' x 3' and it was a very productive summer last year. I am confused about the idea of succession planting, it just seems overwhelming! Is there a simple way to get started with a plan for succession planting so that I can really get the most out my beds this year?

Posted by: Pamela Croft (1 point) Pamela Croft
Posted: February 27, 2013

Donna Adrian commented,
Simply, when you pull out a plant (ie radish) plant another seed back in its place.
about 11 years ago.

Pamela Croft commented,
I was thinking a bit more complex and rotating the crops a little bit instead of planting exactly the same again. Just interested in a basic plan
about 11 years ago.


The term ‘succession planting’ refers to a strategy of planting that maximises yield and makes maximum use of available space by following the planting of one type of crop with another. It is a good idea to plan this in advance. In addition to succeeding one type of plant with another, you can stagger plantings of seeds or transplants so that you have a continuous supply of the crop over the duration of their growing season. It is never a good idea to grow the same plant, or indeed a closely related species, in the same spot every year as it can encourage the spread of disease.

When planning succession plantings it is important to select varieties that complement each others growing season. For example, aim to pair early season plants with those that are harvested later and extend your growing season still further with a later planting of cool season crops such as carrots, which, once mature, can stay in the ground and be dug as needed. For example you could aim to finish a harvest of peas in the spring then plant sweetcorn for harvest in the summer, followed by a planting of cool-season kale in the fall.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: March 2, 2013

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