strawberry guava

Guava    None Given

I have 2 strawberry guava trees about 6 years old, not together, the one on the east side is losing its leaves, all buds have turned brown and fell off. It gets plenty of water I live in middle west coast section of Florida, the ground is sandy. This tree has not been a good producer but always had some fruit in the past. Help??

Posted by: Mary (1 point) Mary
Posted: June 8, 2016


The falling of leaves may happens for various reasons like weather conditions (unseasonal cold, frost or hot weather), pests and diseases etc. Also the strawberry guava is very sensitive to water logging conditions (since you have sandy soil it is not a problem though make sure not to water too frequently). Provide proper organic material to soil.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: June 9, 2016

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