Gold fungus on leaves

Blackberry    None Given

I just moved to this home in March and there are wild blackberries on the property. They have bloomed and have blackberries on them (not ready to pick yet of course) I am in VA. I just noticed there is a fuzzy looking fungus on some of the leaves and stems. What is it and how do I get rid of it?

Posted by: Suzanne Thiele-Thornton (1 point) Suzanne Thiele-Thornton
Posted: May 12, 2017

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
Hi Suzanne, it is very hard to identify the problem without images. Please upload some images. Thanks
almost 7 years ago.


I suspect that it is orange rust, a fungal disease which is reasonably common on wild blackberries. Unfortunately once the plants are infected, they are infected for life. There are a few cultivated varieties that are reported to have some resistance, Ebony King, Eldorado, and Raven.

Posted by: Charlie B. (5 points) Charlie B.
Posted: June 19, 2017

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