Sunflower cotyledons turning yellow

Sunflower    Karachi, Pakistan

Why have the two lowest leaves turned yellow first and perished away on both the sunflower plants? The third weed plant that was growing also has leaves turning yellow now. What could the cause be?

Posted by: Naveed (1 point) Naveed
Posted: September 17, 2014

Damian commented,
This is a great video series of Dr Elaine Ingham, she talks about the life in the soil and how it works. From my experience it's very easy to understand and to use which means lots of time and money saved, Here's the link to sign up: http://soilfoodwebcourse.com/reg/?p=D... Don't worry it's free!
less than a minute ago. Edit Delete

over 9 years ago.


This is nothing to worry about, the cotyledons, or seed leaves as they are sometimes called, is fueled by nutrients stored within it. As the plant grows and develops true leaves and a root system the cotyledon naturally senesces and falls away as the plant begins to produce its own nutrients.

With regards the weed plant, I'm not 100% sure why it is dying. Probably because the sunflowers are competing with it for water and nutrients. They may also be shading it and starving it of light. Don't worry, it's best not to have any weeds competing with your plants!

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: September 17, 2014

Naveed commented,
Alright that's great. Thanks Lindsay! This was my first time growing sunflower or rather any plant, and so I am getting to learn a lot. Before coming to this great website I read similar posts made and they were suggested to reduce watering. Currently I am watering the plant every day around noon.
over 9 years ago.

Lindsay McMenemy commented,
Be sure to check your soil before watering, allow the top of the soil to dry before watering again. This may be every day depending on the temperature but you may be able to cut back on watering. Sunflowers are very tolerant of drought if you forget to water them as I learned this summer :-)
over 9 years ago.

Naveed commented,
Dear Lindsay, thanks for your response, I am thinking of removing the weed plant (identified as mimosa), I am sure the roots are tangled with that of sunflower. Should I snip it at the soil base? Could that cause it to absorb nutrients away from the sunflower to regrow?
over 9 years ago.

Lindsay McMenemy commented,
Yes, you can just cut it with a pair of scissors and leave the roots. It wont harm the sunflower
over 9 years ago.

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