Tomato plant issue

Tomato    None Given

I have some tomato plants that developed a problem. I checked your website's pictures but not sure what is the cause. See the picture I attached .

Posted by: Mirella (1 point) Mirella
Posted: April 2, 2016

David Hughes commented,
Mirella Where in the world are you? Has it been raining lately? Where are the symptoms worse? The bottom or the top of the plant? Can you upload additional pictures? How big is your field?
about 8 years ago.


If it's been fairly dry in your area you may have rust mites. This was a problem a few years ago for us when a greenhouse supplied us seedling that had just a few. With dry hot weather the population can explode and really wipe out your tomatoes. Pesticides for mites are pretty serious compounds and to control this you need a commercial chemical. There are control options, but if it's just a small home garden your methods are more limited.

Posted by: Kathryn Fiedler (72 points) Kathryn Fiedler
Posted: April 5, 2016

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