What is happening to my avocado tree?

Avocado    None Given

This is a young Persea Americana avocado tree. The leaves are starting to get brown shading/spots. Does anyone know what is happening to it? How do I fix the problem so that my tree can be healthy again? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Posted by: Kortney (1 point) Kortney
Posted: March 5, 2017


It looks very stressed and I think a specific diagnosis is hard. You might want to change the pot, give a larger growing space and a nutritious soil. You might find that the plant is root bound

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: March 11, 2017

I just potted it not too long ago in new soil. I could repot it into a bigger pot if that would help. Also, I'm afraid part of its problem might be persea mites. I seem to have some indications of them, although I've never encountered or dealt with them before. Also, the water in my area is hard water, so I'm not sure how that affects the avocados. I have not fertilized this tree yet either.

Posted by: Kortney (1 point) Kortney
Posted: March 12, 2017

David Hughes commented,
have a close look for mites and let us know
about 7 years ago.

Kortney commented,
Yes on the mites, although I'm positive there is another deficiency going on, either potassium or too much salt, as a result of my water. I'm not exactly sure what I can do about the mites, aside from trying to clean them/their eggs and webs off of the tree. Let me know if you have ideas. These trees are all inside my house, under a grow light, so using a pesticide would have to be organic, or very minimal usage. Thanks
about 7 years ago.

David Hughes commented,
If you do confirm mites and want an organic treatment then water sprays, especially with soap is recommended. See here http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn...
about 7 years ago.

Kortney commented,
Ok, thanks!
about 7 years ago.

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