Elephant foot yam Leaves drying

Yams    Kerala, India

Myself have planted few elephant foot yam plants. Many of them shows a sort of leaf rot / drying. Photographs of the same attached for your perusal. I would like to have your advice on the same along with the remedial measures I shall undertake to avoid the spread of the disease and save my plants.
Anticipate your earliest reply.


Posted by: Renjith (3 points) Renjith
Posted: July 29, 2015


This looks like Phythophthora infection. This has been reported on Yam in India. http://www.ndrs.org.uk/article.php?id...

Have you seen leaves yellow before blackening up? Can you examine the roots?

You should remove all rotted/bad leaves and burn them. Do not discard them as that can mean the spores lay in the spoil.

How widespread is the problem. Try to track the progress of newly infected plants or leaves on the plant. Does the infection begin lower down? Is a plant that is infected immediately beside another one that is becoming infected? These details will help us decide

Do you have access to fungicides? (Phythophthora is not a fungus but some fungicides work against it)

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: July 29, 2015

oladayo commented,
Say something...what type of fertiliser can I apply to my yam and at what stage is it advisable?
over 7 years ago.

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