How to get rid of white mold on squash plants

Squash    None Given

How do I get rid of white mold on my squash plants? It seems to have multiplied overnight. Is there a spray or solution I can mix and spray on them?

Posted by: tina ward (1 point) tina ward
Posted: May 4, 2016


Hi Tina, If you could upload a picture that would be fantastic.
But it sounds like you have powdery mildew (PM) and there is a possibility that it will to spread to uninfected parts of your squash. It may not be problematic for you fruit, however it affects the plant by reducing the overall amount of photosynthesis (garden web).

Treatment involves: Removing all of the leaves that have PM on them, and spraying copper fungicide on the new growth every week. PM thrives in humid conditions, so if you encounter rain after you have sprayed, please reapply. Also refer to our squash page for more recommendations :Plant in sites with good air circulation and sun exposure; do not overcrowd plants; sanitize equipment regularly (Plant Village)

Posted by: Megan Wilkerson (1 point) Megan Wilkerson
Posted: May 4, 2016

Jack commented,
That's very helpful Megan. I had the same problem. Next time I'll follow your advice. Jack
almost 8 years ago.

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