How to fertilize Asimina triloba (PawPaw)?

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I would like to know how to fertilize Asimina triloba.
I have two plants and the seller told me not to fertilize it because fertilizer could kill it.
But I read that it can be fertilized.
For example I read that it can be fertilized the first year with 1 Oz of N per tree before bud-break, 2-5 years with 3-4 Oz N and 5-6 Oz N in year 6 and beyond.
So what kind of fertilizer can I use?

Posted by: Mirko (2 points) Mirko
Posted: July 7, 2016


You are correct that they should be fertilized. The vendor may have been confused because you aren't supposed to fertilize IMMEDIATELY after transplant so you will not burn the new flush of leaves. In the Pacific Islands we recommend the first few years to fertilize with 10-10-10 (NPK) four times a year for a total of 1/2 per 100 square feet (~9.3 m2). You can increase this to 1 pound the next year, and up to 3 pounds for the following years.

Posted by: Kathryn Fiedler (72 points) Kathryn Fiedler
Posted: July 9, 2016

Mirko commented,
Thank you Kathryn. Anyway, I have only two plants. So, according to you how much 10-10-10 fertilizer should I give each one? If it is 1/2 pound (226.8 g) every 100 sqft (9.3 sqm), by considering about 1 sqm (10.8 sqft) for a plant, I should give about 24.4 g (0,05 pound) to each?
almost 8 years ago.

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