Pink guava

Guava    None Given

Most of my guava plants have browning on the edge!!
No flowering no fruiting and its potted. Thanks.

Posted by: reem (9 points) reem
Posted: April 25, 2016


I think the guava plants are also showing potassium deficiency. The main symptoms are leaf margin scorching especially older leaves. Potassium deficiency slows the plant growth and causes stunting and stem become weak.
You can apply K2SO4 as foliar spray (2%) at 15 days interval.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: April 25, 2016

reem commented,
i can only view part of your answer i dont know if its some kind of bug in the app !! i have an iphone6
almost 8 years ago.

deactivated commented,
@reem Thanks, we'll have a look. In the meantime you can check Ravi's answer on the PlantVillage website.
almost 8 years ago.

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