Artichoke leave issues

Artichoke    None Given

I am growing artichokes from seed for the first time this year. They were planted on Feb 14. I am located in zone 6. They were doing great transplanted into bigger pots and some of them started to get strange issues with their leaves. Not sure if it's from vernalization. I have been keeping them outside when temps are above 40F (~5C). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by: Rachel (1 point) Rachel
Posted: April 8, 2016


The black spot on the artichoke leaves may be due to lygus bug (Lygus hesperus) or proba bug (Proba californica). The nymphs and adults feed on leaves by sucking sap. While sucking sap insect injects toxin which results in death of the leaf tissue (necrotic spots).

And the drying of leaves may be due to ramularia Leaf Spot caused by Ramularia cynarae. The symptoms are appearance of circular, brown lesions on both upper and lower surfaces of leaves. This lesions may coalesce and the entire leaf will turn brown and dry up.

Management of lygus or proba bug:
1. You can use white sticky traps (10-inch squares of white material coated with Tanglefoot or petroleum jelly) to monitor and control the bugs.
2. Also you can use botanical insecticide like sabadilla to control the bugs.

Management of ramularia leaf spot:
Remove and destroy the infected leaves.
Avoid stressing of plants
Also avoid wetting of leaf surface

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: April 8, 2016

Rachel commented,
How can I tell if there are Lygus Bugs on my plants. They mainly stay indoors in my windows sill as it is to cold to put them outside. Not sure where the bugs would have come from. As far as the Ramularia leaf spot what if all leaves have the spots is the plant a lost cause? Should I move them away from the healthy looks plants so it doesn't spread?
about 8 years ago.

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
For that reason only I mentioned to use white sticky traps. The bugs will attracted to white sheet and stick to it. This bugs are ¼-inch long insects and can be identify using the attached images. The plants might have got bug infestation while they were outside. Usually the adult bugs overwinters in plant debris and weeds in the garden. The adult females lay their eggs in January on a number of broadleaf plants including many weeds. The eggs hatch in March and nymphs also spend the winter hiding in plants and debris. Also this bugs feeds on wide varieties of plants. And regarding ramularia leaf spot, if all the leaves are infected there are chemical fungicides available to control the disease. I am sure you want to use them. Since ramularia is airborne disease better to keep other plants away from the infected plant.
about 8 years ago.

Rachel commented,
Thank you very much will be moving them away form my other plants. They re next to my tomato, pepper, eggplant and leek seedlings.
about 8 years ago.

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