Crabapple Tree not Flowering

Apple    None Given

We recently bought a house with an 8 year old crab-apple tree. The last occupant indicated it has not flowered. It is in full sun and not in wet soil. I have not had the soil tested yet. Is this indicative of a lack of nitrogen, phosphorous and/or potassium or should I go ahead with soil testing?

Posted by: Steve (1 point) Steve
Posted: March 10, 2016


Crab apple tree may not flower because of lack of adequate sunlight, warm winters, drought stress, inappropriate planting, too young tree age and diseases. Crab apple need long period of winter temperatures below 40oF to pass vernalization. Drought stress can occur due to low underground water level, it happens recently in many regions. Old cultivars or semi-wild apple trees do not flower until age of six or more years.

Posted by: alex ignatov (1 point) alex ignatov
Posted: May 27, 2016

There are many factors which effects flowering in apple (like climatic conditions, soil nutrients, no or excess pruning etc.). Since soil plays important role we suggest you to go for soil testing first. Some people use extreme measures like root pruning and/or scoring when all other methods fails.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: March 10, 2016

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