Alternate bearing of mango

Mango    India

Why do some mango plants bear every third year and some place continuously ?

Posted by: Shailendra Pandey (2 points) Shailendra Pandey
Posted: April 21, 2015


You refer to the fact that some fruit trees produce a heavy crop one year and then relatively few fruits the next. Also known as "biennial bearing". In mango, this is believed to be the result of depleted carbohydrate reserves and the imbalance can usually be even out somewhat by adjusting fertilizer application rates accordingly. Removal of flower clusters during bloom may also help alleviate the problem.

The mango varieties ‘Ah Ping’, ‘Fairchild’, ‘Gouveia’, ‘Harders’, ‘Keitt’, ‘Momi K’, ‘Pope’, and ‘Rapoza’ have less pronounced alternate-year bearing than the 'Haden’ and ‘Pirie’ varieties.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: April 23, 2015

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