Broccoli with silver leaves

Broccoli    None Given

Hi guys,

All my broccoli plants has a silver shine on its leaves, and my brushless sprouts they look healthy, big and no pests, just a bit of aphids here and there but not all over.
is it bormal are some greens has some sulverish touch to it and why


Posted by: reem (9 points) reem
Posted: January 14, 2015


If the plants look healthy, I would suspect that the silvery shine may be due to the waxy coating on the leaves.

Posted by: Charlie B. (5 points) Charlie B.
Posted: January 15, 2015

yes it is very healthy, its only the silverfish coating that goes away when i rub the leaf , as if its part of its flesh

Posted by: reem (9 points) reem
Posted: January 15, 2015

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