Drastic change in Black Oil Sunflower. Is it dying?

Sunflower    None Given

Hi, newbie here. I have a volunteer Black Oil Sunflower that was doing great with lots of blooms for the first time ever. They usually get eaten but this year I tried my version of a scarecrow and it took off. It looked fine but over the last few days it's gotten worse. Now it looks like this. The oldest top bloom has something white & fuzzy on the back of the head in one spot. I have about a dozen more babies going strong but I need to know what I did wrong with this one! I have searched pests and diseases but am not positive; I don't want to use any pesticides if that is not the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Posted by: Laurel Fee (2 points) Laurel Fee
Posted: May 16, 2016



Do you see other symptoms on the stalk? any discoloration and or white fuzzy growth? If so it might be a fungal diseases caused by the fungus sclerotinia. Let me know If you see these symptoms

Posted by: kaoutar el mounadi (2 points) kaoutar el mounadi
Posted: May 16, 2016

Laurel Fee commented,
Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me. It might be fungus; some fuzzy white spots where stalk meets stem. The stalk doesn't have any discolorations but the leaves are getting brown spots on them. Found a bunch of small black ants on it and a bug just now that I can't identify. will post photo.
almost 8 years ago.

The insect is a leaf footed bug http://bugguide.net/node/view/93/bgpage

They do feed on plant sap and the feeding may have caused this the drooping. Check out the white area- does it feel waxy in your finger? Are the ants going to it? Do you see any little insects in their (white and waxy)

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: May 16, 2016

Laurel Fee commented,
sorry for the delay in responding; have been sick. The white areas I saw have turned out to be the beginning of a new flower. I got rid of the bug and the plant seems to be doing well now. Since it is my first one it is turning out to be a great teacher! Thank you so much for all your help.
almost 8 years ago.

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