Does my sunflower need repotted?

Sunflower    Karachi, Pakistan

I planted the sunflower seeds on August 15, 2014, two of them germinated. I initially grew them in a paper cup and moved to this clay pot shown in the photo. This is my first time growing sunflower or any plant and I got the seeds for edible purposes from a nature and health store thinking with the intention of experimenting on growing the seeds.

The current clay pot show in the photo is about half a foot wide and I have placed a 12" ruler for estimation of scale on it. The plant height is 1'4" currently.

I water it once daily at noon with about 140ml of water. No fertilising. Occasional green tea water, perhaps due to the experimental notion. :)

I have read that sunflowers do not react well to replanting and I also read that sunflowers when grown in smaller pots (as opposed to in the ground directly) they tend to stay at a shorter height, which I planned. Furthermore as I got the seeds for edible purposes I have no idea about the type of the sunflower plant weather they are dwarf type or giant.

Any suggestion will be much appreciated.

Posted by: Naveed (1 point) Naveed
Posted: September 21, 2014

Damian commented,
This is a great video series of Dr Elaine Ingham, she talks about the life in the soil and how it works. From my experience it's very easy to understand and to use which means lots of time and money saved, Here's the link to sign up: http://soilfoodwebcourse.com/reg/?p=D... Don't worry it's free!
less than a minute ago. Edit Delete

over 9 years ago.


You should replant it in a container at least four times the size of this. And use sticks to keep the sunflower erect as it grows

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: September 21, 2014

Naveed commented,
Thanks David, I will get a larger container then. Also read about replanting so as to not disturb the roots and make it seamless.
over 9 years ago.

And feed it. They love to be fed. Discreet amounts only and perhaps a little potash.

Posted by: ross (1 point) ross
Posted: September 26, 2014

Naveed commented,
By feeding you mean adding fertiliser? I'm sorry, I'm not good with gardening and plants as this is the first time I grew something. I added green tea water to the watering bucket and water it, a bit unconventional as I am a avid green tea drinker and know its benefits and came across an article that it's good for plants too.
I have added two photos from today in my plant journal.

over 9 years ago.

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