Best way to trellis raspberries?

Raspberry    NJ

I would like to plant two varieties of raspberry in my yard, a summer fruiting variety and an autumn fruiting variety. Is there a trellis system that works best for raspberry? I have a fairly large back yard and I know roughly where I would like to plant, I just don't know how to design the trellis. Thanks. Beth.

Posted by: Beth Johnson (2 points) Beth Johnson
Posted: February 15, 2013


Many raspberry varieties are very vigorous and using a support system such as a trellis will help to protect the canes from wind damage while also supporting the weight of the fruit crop. The traditional method of supporting red raspberry canes is a post and wire system. This method involves running two wires about 2 feet apart vertically between wooden posts staked into the ground. The lower wire should be positioned 3 ft from the ground and the upper 5 ft from the ground. The raspberry canes can then be tied to the wires.

A second option is a T-trellis which is similar to the post and wire but the vertical wooden posts each have two cross bars to attach the wire. Two sets of wires run parallel to one another, one above the other. The vertical posts should be spaced 12-15 ft apart with the lower wire positioned 3 ft from the ground and the upper 5 ft from the ground.

These systems have the advantage of training raspberry canes into a hedge, saving on row spacing and keeping the raspberry plants manageable as they spread.

If you are planting bare root raspberry plants then they should ideally be planted in the fall (although spring is ok). You should space them 1.5 ft apart and as they grow, you can gently guide them between the wires of the trellis.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: February 15, 2013

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