Interspersed brown spots on leaves of recently-potted avocado tree. Solution?

Avocado    Tokyo

Potted this guy about 2 weeks ago, and up until about 2 days ago he's been quite healthy-looking.
I keep him indoors as it is the winter here, and it's typically a comfortable temperature.
Admittedly, about a week ago I noticed a bit of whiteness (mould?) on the surface of the soil, and scooped off those parts.

These brown spots have begun to show up on two leaves.
The other two leaves look fine aside from the very tips have become a bit dark.

Read on some other forums about leaf burn from sodium or chloride salts.
I do use water from the tap here in Tokyo.

What's my solution here? Do I buy better water? Anything to look out for there?
Or is there something I ought to be adding to the soil to get this guy green and healthy again?

Posted by: Johnny Linnert (1 point) Johnny Linnert
Posted: February 1, 2015


I think that this could be a result of the salt you mention from the water. I had exactly the same thing happen to my avocado plants. and I posted a question here on PlantVillage. Here is the link along with the answers I received.


I ended up getting rid of my plants because I didn't want to put the work into them to keep them. I grew mine from saved seeds just to try it out so they would not have given me fruit for many years and I didn't find them to be very attractive ornamentals for indoors. Wishing you better luck!

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: February 2, 2015

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