Stem Bleeding Disease of Coconut

Coconut    None Given

Good Day!!

I just wanted to know more about the disease in coconut, which is stem bleeding disease.
How can you cure/prevent Stem Bleeding Disease in Coconut? In what method?

Thanking you for advance.

Posted by: Scarlet Dizon (1 point) Scarlet Dizon
Posted: June 20, 2017

Amanda commented,
Here is a resource from the Corporative Extension service in University of Hawaii https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freep...
almost 7 years ago.


The first step is to diagnose the problem. Do you have stem bleeding? How do you know? Can you provide images and some description of the problem. Where does it occur? How many trees have it? Where are you in the world?

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: June 21, 2017

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