what happen to my bean? what should I do?


what happen to my beans? Is anyone know what should I do? this is first time I try to grown something . :) should I use some Sevin dust?

Posted by: Viv (1 point) Viv
Posted: July 14, 2017


Hi Viv, how old the plants are? And did you apply any nutrients? I think it could be a nutrient deficiency. Sevin is an insecticide should be used only when you notice insect pests. Please provide more information along with a few more images.


Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: July 15, 2017

Viv commented,
thank you ! you are right . Dr. Ravishanker Narayana . the plants are two month old. I have not add any nutrients yet . I will do today. thanks again
almost 7 years ago.

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