Etiology, epidemiology and symptomology of web blight disease of cowpea.

Cowpea    None Given

I need a comprehensive answer on the symptomology,etiology,epidemology and control of Web blight disease of cowpea and with accessible links on symptomology,etiology,epidemology and control of Web blight disease of cowpea and references on symptomology,etiology,epidemology and control of Web blight disease of cowpea.

Posted by: Johnson Wise (1 point) Johnson Wise
Posted: August 28, 2017


Mainly this forum is built to identify the problems and provide solutions to people facing while growing food crops. The general google search provides you lot of information. And for research articles you can use "google scholar". Also look for good books in University/public libraries.


Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: August 28, 2017

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